Disaster on the Danish side- Film

Following up on last night’s post on the storm’s wrath on Sonderborg, the Danish side of the Flensburg Fjord was equally affected by the Great Sturmflut. No matter where you went: Krusa, Egernsund, Dyboll or Sonderhavn, the storm left its mark on the shores of the Fjord and with that, the houses, docks and roads that were next to it. Danish channel Kanal 1 has a summary of the destruction of the storm on the Danish side to give you an idea how bad the area was in comparison to the German side. And from the author’s perspective, all I can say is WOW!


And for the record as you can see in the video, Annie’s Kiosk, one of the staples of the Fjord survived with minor damage. But she will be back in time for next summer.

And for those who don’t know about Annie, the next post will show you the history and my visits. 🙂


Fundraising efforts and projects to rebuild are ongoing for even this region. If you are interested in helping, click on the links below:

Helping Residents Affected by the Storm: Sturmflut: Donation Drives for Flensburg Fjord, Holnis and Kappeln

Furthermore, a video which shows the region before, during and after the Sturmflut can be found in detail here:

Link: Jahrhunderthochwasser 2023- a film by Birger Herzog

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