Documentary: After the Sturmflut

Two weeks have passed and the clean-up is in full motion. And with that, documentaries that have looked at the disaster the storm has brought us along the Baltic Sea Coast. A couple days ago, German public TV station NDR did a report on the storm that lavished the coast, focusing on the hardest hit area of Schleswig-Holstein. And while the documentary includes interviews and is done in German, the videos and photos of the destruction tells all. And this one I will not go any further but to allow you to have a look for yourself:


Update on Fundraising Efforts in the region:

A week ago, I published an article with some links where you can donate your time and resources. You can have a look at them by clicking on the link below:

Helping Residents Affected by the Storm: Sturmflut: Donation Drives for Flensburg Fjord, Holnis and Kappeln

Go Fund Me has a series of fundraising drives underway as well. Much of them originate from another area hit by the storm, Schleswig. A link is enclosed for you to click on to help:

Go Fund Me:

More information will come as we get a clearer picture of what is going on, what is needed and how you can help.
