Jahrhunderthochwasser 2023- a film by Birger Herzog

Sailboat cruising along the Fjord. Photo taken in 2021

Moving on in the series on the Great Sturmflut of 2023, which is approaching three weekends ago since the disaster happened, we have a much detailed version of the storm that happened from start to finish and including the aftermath of the storm. Birger Herzog, who runs a facebook page devoted to this topic, compiled photos, film footage and even some dronage of the areas affected before and after the storm, focusing on the hardest hit areas from Flensburg to Eckernförde, including the areas around Gelting Birk, Kappeln and the Schlei. The 76-minute long film goes much deeper into the coverage than what was presented in an NDR documentary and provides viewers with an insight of what happened- how a tourist region like the Baltic Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein became an Acapulco that is rebuilding. The Mexican city was devastated by Hurricane Otis on October 25th, just days after this event.

Click on the video and/or link and feel free to comment:

Link in case you cannot access it: https://youtu.be/svs-_ZMrOrE?si=P-Xrn1JSUlr8XZsw

Regardless of videos and photos, there will surely be many lessons learned from the Sturmflut that we have to take with as we rebuild, a process that will take years to complete, judging by the massive destruction we have seen from coast to coast.


Communities affected by the Sturmflut 2023 are collecting funds and other resources and you can help. The fundraising and rebuilding project lists are growing longer. Choose your favorite regions and help those who need your help. You will thank them for your help. ❤

Helping Residents Affected by the Storm: Sturmflut: Donation Drives for Flensburg Fjord, Holnis and Kappeln

Go Fund Me has a series of fundraising drives underway as well. Much of them originate from another area hit by the storm, Schleswig and along the Schlei. A link is enclosed for you to click on to help:

Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/de-de/c/act/sturmflut-an-der-ostsee-wie-du-helfen-kannst#/


Thanks to Birger Herzog for compiling this masterpiece. You have been of great help in this matter. ❤ 🙂
