2021 Christmas Genre: Einmal im Jahr (Once a Year) by By Steffen Lukas and the St. Thomas Children’s Choir in Leipzig

This holiday season has been anything but normal, no matter where you are and where you go. Every day we see news stories of new Covid-19 variants, hospitals being overfilled and patients being transferred to other hospitals, politicians trying to bring the public under control with new sets of regulations, cancellations of public events, especially the Christmas markets, where for the second year in a row, they are not taking place- at least in the areas hardest hit. But the most painful is knowing that the ones we love cannot celebrate Christmas. It makes a person wonder whether there should be a Christmas this year at all……

But by the same token, what would life be like without Christmas? Christmas is perhaps one of the best times of year. Having been raised in Minnesota, where we would have family gatherings at my grandma’s house, eating her homemade dinners and telling stories around the fireplace, and having choir concerts at my high school, there are three items that make Christmas the holiday that is considered special:  family, love and music.

And especially music because it warms the heart and brings back memories of past Christmas. It is music that binds friends together and brings the family together. It’s music that brings out the best and the love in yourself and those whom you love the most. It’s those three elements that make Christmas special.

And it’s the music that we have this special song by Steffen Lukas, the radio host for the Leipzig-based radio station, Radio PSR, and the children of the St. Thomas Choir, considered one of the oldest choir ensembles in Europe. Lukas and the choir teamed up to produce a song that brings the family together and rekindles memories of Christmas’ past. Even though the song is produced in the German language the meaning is the same in any language, even in English.

And Once a Year may be symbolic because we come together for this special time of year, it does have a very special meaning, which is life is not the same when we don’t have a family to come home to, when we don’t know how to listen and/or sing aloud whenever we feel like it and wherever we go, and when we don’t know how to love yourself and the people around you. Christmas brings back memories but it helps you pave the way for something better.

And with that, here is the holiday hit for everyone at home and abroad. Once a Year:


The St. Thomas Choir was established in 1212 and is based in Leipzig at the St. Thomas  Church and Conservatory. They feature children ages 9 to 18 and they sing at the church three times a week, with classical and choral music. They travel around the world each year providing concerts and all. More information here.

Steffen Lukas is the host of the Steffen Lukas Show, which has been broadcasting daily on Radio PSR from 5:00am to 10am since 2013, and with sidekick Claudia Switala since 2015. He has been in the business of radio and DJ for over 30 years, 28 of which belongs to his career at Radio PSR. His show has won three German Radio Awards in the categories of Best Comedy (2016), Best Radio Show Host (2019) and best Radio Show (2021). His signature: Telephone Pranks (Sinnloses Telefon). He’s also a talented singer and actor.