Hold vs Halt: The False Friend Quiz Answer Key

After presenting you with the quiz on the difference between Hold (EN) and Halten (D), here are the results of the exercises presented. Keep in mind that some variants of the answers given may exist and if there are some discreptancies, feel free to comment.

So without further ado…….

  1. Einen Vortrag halten- To give a presentation
  2. Die Ohren steiff halten- To keep of stiff upper lip/ to chin up
  3. Sich über Wasser halten- To make ends meet/ to keep something afloat
  4. Jemanden auf dem Laufenden halten- to keep someone posted/informed about
  5. Sich in Grenzen halten- To restrain/limit oneself /keep within a limit
  6. Die Stellung halten- To hold the fort/ keep the flag flying
  7. Das Versprechen halten- To keep a promise
  8. Die Klappe halten- To be silent/shut up
  1. To hold (all) the cards.- Alle Karten haben/ Gute Karten haben- beste Vorteile
  2. To hold back- aufhalten
  3. Hold a candle to someone- jemandem das Wasser reichen
  4. To hold water- stichhaltig; unterstützt
  5. Hold your peace- Ruhe halten
  6. Hold your horses- Warten
  7. To hold your court- Hof/Gericht halten
  8. Get ahold of someone/something- jemand/etw. Holen bzw. erreichen

Hope this helps. If you want to learn more about False Friends, check out the Pocket Guide, which has a list of examples of False Friends between German and English that exist:

While you are at it, check out the Language Corner, where other activities can be found with a focus on different areas of languages. Check back often as there will be new activities to come, and others will be modified in the near future! 🙂

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