False Friends Exercise Nr. 4: The Use of Artificial Intelligence

Most recently, I have been busy with Artificial Intelligence and finding ways to integrate it into the classroom. There are many pros and cons to using AI, especially when it comes to foreign language, writing research papers, correcting them, and to a certain degree, making sure the papers are not plagarized. But since I’m in the early stages, I will explain more about my experiences with AI at another time, when I have gathered enough to justify a post about using AI for class.

I did however allow AI to create a pair of false friend quizzes for you to try out. The quizzes serve as a twofold function: 1. To determine whether these answers are correct or not and 2. To determine if AI is correct with the results after all. It’s something that is worth discussing for while AI may be a source that can make problems be solved much easier than manually, there are potential pitfalls that we need to be aware of so that we don’t end up falling through the ice and not getting out. Not everyone can walk on a thin sheet of ice.

So without further ado, here are a pair of quizzes that were generated with AI for you to try. Courtesy of GPT40. The answers according to AI and my opinion to them can be found in the link by clicking here. Good luck! 🙂


For each English verb, choose the correct German translation from the options provided. Be careful, as some options are false friends!

  1. To become
    • a) bekommen
    • b) werden
    • c) bleiben
  2. To look
    • a) sehen
    • b) schauen
    • c) suchen
  3. To realize
    • a) realisieren
    • b) erkennen
    • c) verstehen
  4. To spend (money)
    • a) verbringen
    • b) ausgeben
    • c) sparen
  5. To lend
    • a) leihen
    • b) mieten
    • c) borgen
  6. To attend
    • a) besuchen
    • b) warten
    • c) teilnehmen
  7. To pretend
    • a) vorgeben
    • b) versuchen
    • c) vortäuschen
  8. To control
    • a) kontrollieren
    • b) steuern
    • c) beherrschen
  9. To notice
    • a) notieren
    • b) bemerken
    • c) beachten
  10. To argue
    • a) argumentieren
    • b) streiten
    • c) diskutieren


For each English verb, choose the correct German translation from the options provided. Be careful, as some options are false friends!

  1. To obfuscate
    • a) obfusizieren
    • b) verschleiern
    • c) erhellen
  2. To exacerbate
    • a) exazerbieren
    • b) verschlimmern
    • c) verbessern
  3. To promulgate
    • a) promulgieren
    • b) veröffentlichen
    • c) verbergen
  4. To elucidate
    • a) elucidieren
    • b) erläutern
    • c) verschleiern
  5. To juxtapose
    • a) juxtapositionieren
    • b) nebeneinanderstellen
    • c) trennen
  6. To peruse
    • a) perusieren
    • b) durchlesen
    • c) ignorieren
  7. To abscond
    • a) abscondieren
    • b) verschwinden
    • c) bleiben
  8. To ameliorate
    • a) ameliorieren
    • b) verbessern
    • c) verschlechtern
  9. To expound
    • a) expoundieren
    • b) darlegen
    • c) verbergen
  10. To eschew
    • a) eschewieren
    • b) vermeiden
    • c) annehmen

I’ve added the answers to the results of the last quiz on False Friends and On the Job. Check them out by clicking onto the Pocket Guide here:

And while you’re at it, the Language Corner has some interesting exercises on certain language themes, Tongue Twisters included. Check them out here:

False Friends: On the Job- ANSWER SHEET

Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com

As promised, here are the results of the Quiz dealing with things to do On the Job. The answers are in bold print, however keep in mind that the answers in Exercises 3 & 4 may vary. I only have one variable written down but you may have other sentences that are correct.

So here we go:

  1. Career < > Karriere  ANS: True Friend
  2. Diplom < > Diploma  ANS: False Friend. Diploma (EN) is the same as Abschluss, whereas Diplom is a studies program at a university and/or educational institution
  3. College < > Kollege  ANS: False Friend. College means Hochschule, while Kollege means Colleague
  4. High School < > Hochschule  ANS: False Friend. High School means Gymnasium or Realschule; Hochschule means College or University
  5. Chef < > Chef  ANS: False Friend. Chef (EN) means Koch, whereas Chef (D) means boss/supervisor
  6. Politician < > Politiker  ANS: True Friend
  7. Photograph < > Fotograf  ANS: False Friend. Photograph (EN) means Bild, while Fotograf (D) means Photographer.
  8. Officer < > Offizier ANS: True Friend
  9. Concern < > Konzern  ANS: False Friend. Concern (EN) means Sorge, while Konzern (D) means Company or Firm.
  10. Baker < > Bäcker  ANS: True Friend
  11. Architect < > Architekt  ANS: True Friend
  12. Labor < > Labor  ANS: Labor (EN) means Arbeit, but Labor (D) means Laboratory. Also keep in mind that Labor (EN) could mean that same as Geburtsvorgang- Giving Birth
  13. Critic < > Kritik  ANS: False Friend.  Critic is Kritiker, while Kritik means Criticism
  14. Mechanic < > Mechaniker  ANS: True Friend
  15. Confession < > Konfession  ANS: False Friend. Confession means Geständnis- to admit something; Konfession means Religion


  1. Familiar < > Familiär: Familiar (EN) > Bekannt; Familiär (D) > Family-like or informal
  2. Lack < > Lack: Lack (EN) > Mangel/ Fehlt etwas; Lack (D) > Paint or Varnish
  3. Fraction < > Fraktion: Fraction (EN) > Bruchteil; Fraktion (D) > Party or Commission
  4. Sender < > Sender: Sender (EN): Zusteller; Sender (D) > TV Program
  5. Prospect < > Prospekt: Prospect (EN) > potienzielle Kandidat(en); Prospekt (D): Advertisement or Brochure
  6. Pension < > Pension: While this one is debatable because of difference sources having the different meanings, Pension(EN) means Rente, while Pension (D) means Bed and Breakfast or something similar with lodging.
  7. Concurrence < > Konkurrenz: Concurrence (EN) means Zufall oder etwas parallel; Konkurrenz(D) means competition
  8. Pregnant < > Prägnant: Pregnant (EN) means Schwanger; Prägnant (D) means concise
  9. Lecture < > Lektüre: Lecture (EN) means Vorlesung; Lektüre(D) means Reading/Lesson
  10. Kind < > Kind: Kind (EN)> net; Kind(D) > Child (Plural: Children)
  11. Public < > Publikum: Public (EN) means Öffentlichkeit; Publikum (D) means Audience
  12. Warehouse < > Warenhaus: Warehouse (EN) > Lagerhalle; Warenhaus (D) > Department Store
  13. Post < > Post: Post(EN) means Beitrag or Stelle; Post (D) means Mail. However Post (EN) can be added as an adjective to form Post Office, Post Box, etc.
  14. Tramp < > Trampen: Tramp(EN)> Stadtstreicherin; Trampen (D)> Hitchhike
  15. Handy < > Handy: Handy (EN) > handlich/ praktisch; Handy (D) > Mobile Phone or Cell Phone


  1. You must pay me the monthly rent at the end of each month.  ANS: Am Ende des Monats muss du die monatliche Miete zahlen
  2. We rejected you because you lack the credentials for the job.  ANS: Wir haben dich mangels deiner Qualifikationen die Stelle abgelehnt
  3. 200 graduates received their diplomas at the college last week. ANS: Letzte Woche haben 200 Absolventen ihre Abschlüsse an der Hochschule erhalten
  4. The proposal presented to the public last night was met with criticism. ANS: Der Vorschlag an die Öffentlichkeit wurde gestern Abend kritisiert
  5. We opened the guest house five years ago and have been greeted with kind people. ANS: Vor fünf Jahren haben wir das Gasthof eröffnet und wir wurden von netten Gästen begrüßt.


  1. Der Konzern musste einen Sparkurs einleiten und 50 Mitarbeiter entlassen.  ANS: The company had to introduce austerity measures and lay off 50 workers
  2. Wir arbeiten in einer familiären Klima mit flexibelen Arbeitsstunden ANS: We work in a family-like atmosphere with flexible working hours.
  3. Vielen Fabriken wurden gleich nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands geschlossen.  ANS: Many factories shut down after the German Reunification of 1990.
  4. Der Sender wird heute Abend über den Streik beim Unternehmen berichten.  ANS: The TV Program will report on the strike at the company.
  5. Wir sollten weniger Rente bekommen in den nächsten Jahren. ANS: We will receive less retirement benefits in the coming years.


Hope the answers help. If you want to challenge yourself, check out the other activities and fun facts by visiting the Pocket Guide page:

Additionally, we have the Language Corner, where you can find other grammar activities pertaining to German and English: