2024 Questionnaire Nr. 1: Should there be a ban on fireworks and if so, how? The Final Result

And now the results of the first questionnaire for 2024, and it is in connection with the use of fireworks during the New Year’s celebrations in Germany. What we wanted to know is whether or not there should be a ban on fireworks and should there be a ban, how should it be enforced. Let’s look at the results:

In the first survey, we find that 71.43% of the respondents would like to see a law that bans the sale and use of fireworks, an overwhelming response that correlates to some of the German-speaking surveys that came out prior to New Year’s Eve this past December. However…..

…..how the ban should be enforced was split when looking at this survey with half the recipients favoring local laws to do the work, whereas the other half would prefer either national or international involvement. While the ban is still trying to find a consensus in the German parliament (Bundestag and Bundesrat), many cities cracked down on the use of fireworks with their own set of regulations this past New Year, which included cities, like Regensburg, Göttingen and Weimar, while other cities established a “No Firework Zone,” such as Berlin, Munich, Bremen and Hannover. Through these set of guidelines, there were fewer reports of injuries and violence compared to that time in 2022/23. Nevertheless, we can expect to see more local initiatives being carried out when we ring in with 2025 as studies have confirmed that fireworks produce air pollution, causes harm towards the environment and as the population gets older, causes more stress than necessary for the elderly. 


Don’t forget to complete the next survey that we have out. It has to do with the recent passing of the bill which not only makes receiving German citizenship a lot easier, but foreigners who have been living in Germany can also keep the citizenship of their home countries. This bill has been controversial because of its opposition by the CDU and far-right Alternatives (AfD) but has been the piecemeal of legislation by the Traffic Light Coalition of the SPD, Greens and Free Liberals, as they want to lure in foreign workers to fill in the missing gaps in the labor crisis. The questionnaire and details of the bill can both be found here:

1. Will the new and relaxed Naturalization Laws benefit or harm the German economy and labor market?

Link: https://strawpoll.com/2ayLkGMdzZ4


2. Will the new and relaxed Naturalization Laws help make Germany a more attractive place for jobs and investment?

Link: https://strawpoll.com/poy9WmxbDgJ


3. Will the new and relaxed Naturalization Laws help make Germany a more multicultural country?

Link: https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0Ad3bKyo


The questionnaire can also be accessed through the Files on its Facebook pages by clicking here. The Questionnaire, powered by Strawpoll like in the first, will be open until February 29th, by which we will present the results in the Files. Good luck! 🙂