Biden versus Trump Part Deux? No Thanks!

I usually do not take to the soapbox to express my disdain, especially when it comes to American politics. After all, after a tumultous elections in 2020 where Donald Trump’s predictions of winning was doused by Joe Biden’s overwhelming victory, we would turn away from Trump’s tyranny and claims that the elections were stolen- the ones which have been proven false- and move forward.

Think again! 2024 may see a rematch between the same two, especially after Joe Biden has made his announcement of running again for a second term on Tuesday. Can you imagine two grandpas stepping into the ring again, campaigning for votes and muslinging each other?

Already, the majority of Americans are against the two running again. 60% are against Trump and this being stacked on a pile of litigations against him that is as tall as the Eiffel Tower. 70% are against Biden primarily because of age, but also because of problems at home in terms of inflation, high rate of massacres at schools and public places and lastly, problems of keeping America together as a whole. If there was a choice between watching the US Presidential Elections of 2024 and watching Ric Flair wrestle again in his 70s, I would choose the Nature Boy and his rival matches against Sting, Barry Windham or other wrestlers. A little “Whooo!” is much better than slamming each other based on their credentials and shortcomings.

Looking at Biden’s campaign in 2020 and his record as President so far, I can give him credit for being the underdog who overcame many adversities and upended perhaps one of the biggest narccists in Donald Trump, who had a history of being a sexist, mysgonist, racist, piggish, anything one can pin on him that makes him a scumbag to begin with. Biden symbolized the America that had been missing for four years- one of unity and peace and not of division and warfare that Trump stood for. He had his chance to lead the country after having served eight years as Vice President under Barack Obama. And while some made fun of his stuttering, he conveyed his messages clearly and in an honest way. The four years as the oldest (and wisest) President should be the peak of a storied political career that goes back over a half century.

Trying to pad that on by running again may end up backfiring primarily because of age. Having an outgoing 86-year old like Biden at the end of 2029 may prove to be a disadvantage for the younger politicians wishing to take the helm and run the country with a clear head and best judgement. Age can catch up more quickly than we want to. But imagine having Trump leave as President at the age of 81 and what he left behind in chaos is even scarier in the eyes of most Americans and even the friends overseas.

Having a rematch between the two candidates, the two old farts, is going to fall badly for the voters as they will be turned off at the prospect of either one running the country beginning January 20th, 2025. It will definitely exacerbate the divisions between the right and left, thus tipping the country into a potential civil war. It will make authoritarian regimes become more appealing, as we’re seeing in China, Russia, North Korea, Myammar, Hungary, and Turkey, just to name a few. And it will make America more isolated, more into a democratic has-been. What is needed to turn the tide and make America the democratic shining light to other countries is the following:

  1. The need for Third Party candidates to run. While these parties have played the spoiler in several previous elections, such as those in 1992, 2000 and 2016, this upcoming election may be the overture to having younger candidates run independently, through their own established parties or through well-established third parties, such as the Greens, Libertarians and the Reformers. If younger candidates were to present a clear platform for voters and stand up to the old candidates in a professional, concise manner, they could be in the best position to even win the elections and break the generations long tradition of Republican or Democrat. For the record, the last “Non-Democratic or Republican” that presided over the White House was Millard Fillmore, who was US President for the Whig Party from 1850 to 1853.
  2. The need for younger candidates to run for the Republicans and Democrats. Already we have two additional candidates running against Joe Biden and two dozen against Donald Trump. Each candidate is at least 25 years younger than the two grandpas who have declared their candidacy for their respective parties. Each of the candidates have an outstanding record of their own merit. It’s most likely that Liz Cheney (Republican) will run as an independent in an attempt to keep Trump out of the Oval Office. Still the younger candidates have a chance to counter their elders with a chance to appeal most of the voters.

Then there is the question: “What if either Biden or Trump drops out?” The rematch between Biden and Trump is more of a narccist’s revenge for not accepting defeat, as is the case of the latter with the 2020 Elections. When dealing with narccists, the only way to defeat them is to leave the scene, for trying to defeat them directly could be proven fatal to one’s own career. If Biden was to not run again, Trump would not have his adversary to take revenge on. He would lose interest and drop out. The case should be reciprocal for Biden if Trump is forced to drop out due to the legal litigation the former President is facing, some of which could potentially bar him from running for any form of public office again if convicted.

In any case, shape or form, the 2024 Presidential Elections is shaping up to become one that no one wants but the people are forced to vote anyway. We have seen Joe Biden in action and his one-term run as President should be the crown of all his achievements, so he can share his stories with his grandchildren. We have seen Donald Trump in action, and we will be singing “Ding Dong! The Pig is Dead” once he’s in the slammer for his crimes or worse. The younger politicians are waiting for their turn to take over. Perhaps the time is ripe for the younger generation to take the reigns as President for the upcoming term.

If we want to have an exciting 2024 Elections in the US, it should be in the form of someone who can wow the public and present a plan to move the US forward and strengthen a democracy that has been weakened due to war and rhetoric. It is possible within the Republican or Democratic party. However, this could be the year that a Third Party candidate takes over the Oval Office, which would make the Whigs in Heaven celebrate, let alone Ralph Nader, Theodore Roosevelt and Ross Perot.

All it takes is one young and very active and popular person, a real bull-moose with true character and professionalism to make it happen.

