Baby Boomers born 1955 – 1969: We are living longer. Who will pay the adequate surplus to what we have contributed so far. Let’s look to Germany where the workforce is shrinking and AI will ensure the loss of 50% of the jobs we have today. We need to embrace change.

SOCIETY-GERMANY Germany struggles to fix its pension system Helen Whittle 16th March 2024

German society is aging fast and the working-age population is shrinking. There are new plans to make the pension system fit for the future, but critics have said they won’t work. Germany’s baby boomers are retiring. Those born between 1955 and […]

Baby Boomers born 1955 – 1969: We are living longer. Who will pay the adequate surplus to what we have contributed so far. Let’s look to Germany where the workforce is shrinking and AI will ensure the loss of 50% of the jobs we have today. We need to embrace change.

Little do we realize is that hiring foreigners in Germany has its benefits for the economy, especially when it comes to the problem residents born between 1955 & 1969 are having now. Helen Whittle explains why in this article.


Germany proposes new selective military service to boost defence

Germany’s defense minister proposed selective military service for volunteers to boost its armed forces amid tensions with Russia.

Germany proposes new selective military service to boost defence

This follows the Selective Service Act in the US and serves as a step towards reintroducing the Wehrpflicht- one year military service for males of 18 years- which was phased out in 2011. Details here in this CDE News summary.