How the German State Haphazardly Prosecuted Nazi War Criminals

I came to Wangen, in southern Germany, to meet Thomas Walther, a 76-year-old retired judge with piercing eyes, long gray hair, and dark bushy eyebrows. His shadow loomed large over the 2020 trial of former Nazi SS concentration camp guard Bruno Dey, even though he never once set foot inside the Hamburg courtroom. Without Walther […]

How the German State Haphazardly Prosecuted Nazi War Criminals

This writer released an article about the Nuremberg Trials of 1946 a month ago and from his perspective, there were many loopholes from the trial that are now having implications on today’s politics in Germany and beyond. A look at his story in the link.


🌈Then They Came For Me — 2024

I wrote this post last year on the fourth day of Pride Month and it is every bit as relevant this year as it was last year.  I long for the year when I can toss it and say, “well, we woke up, overcame the bigotry & hatred, and we don’t need this reminder anymore!”  […]

🌈Then They Came For Me — 2024

Martin Niemöller wrote this poem at the end of World War II with the mission of getting the public to pay attention to the atrocities. After six million people perished in the Holocaust and a total of 75 million died in the war. The poem was written with a powerful message: to pay attention to those who were persecuted and ensure they have the same rights as the rest.

Jill Dennison of Filosofa’s Words wrote about it last year and in honor of LGQBT Month, has reposted it in hopes that this group also receives equal rights. I’m reposting it for the Ukrainians, refugees and other minorities who are on the run and finding comfort in new homes throughout Europe and the US, as well as foreigners in Germany- especially the eastern half – who have been targets of xenophobic actions for the past two years and whose future is questionable after the far-right Alternatives AfD swept the polls this past Sunday.

A Denkzettel to those who voted for them….