Flooding Update in Southern Germany

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REGENSBURG- The rainfall has subsided, some of the rivers have crested yet much of southern Germany is still underwater with eyes being directed to southeast Bavaria, where Regensburg and Passau are in the line of fire. There’s so much to summarize, but DW News has this wrap-up along with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to the flood-damaged regions- his fourth visit this year so far.

Again if possible, avoid any unnecessary travel as many roads have been flooded and rail lines are still down due to damage to the tracks. If it’s unavoidable, check with the travel providers and others to see if it’s safe to travel.

Can Germany’s future be found in Holland?

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Yesterday, I posted an article about the interview I had with Jörg Luyken, who runs a column devoted to German affairs in the German Review. Today, I’m presenting one of three examples of his works. It’s an excerpt but will include a link that will take you directly to the website to read it. A link to access the interview is enclosed at the end of the article.

This post was written about three weeks ago. It has to do with the Netherlands, which is the latest country to go far right in a backlash against European and International Policies that are in place; in particular regarding the refugee and the environmental crises. In this case, one predicts something like that to happen in Germany by the latest 2030, which would be the first time since the end of World War II that a fascist government would take over the German Bundestag. Here’s a look at the plans of the Dutch government under Geert Wilders and how that can be envisioned in Germany:



Read the rest of the article by clicking here.

Check out the interview by clicking on the window below: