Reviewing German Current Events and Political Happenings- An Interview with Jörg Luyken

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If there is one word to describe Germany and all of the problems the country has been facing, it would be this: Complicated.

Since the Scholz government has taken over in 2021, things have gotten complicated. For years, especially under the rule of Angela Merkel, Germany had a comfortable life, immuning itself from the external factors that would have sunk every other country in Europe, plus the United States. However, these problems were pushed aside and since the last elections, have come to a head. These problems have become so complicated that it has caused frustrations, anger and even some to go extreme.

How bad have the problems been with Germany and what are the implications, especially as 2024 will be the year of elections and decisions that will be painful and to a certain degree, altering for long periods of time? This is where Jörg Luyken of The German Review comes in.

The German Review is like no other magazine, column or journal. It is a journal that focuses on German affairs but from a critical standpoint. By reading the articles, it gives the reader some perspective and looks at the topics objectively and with some discussion.

I had an opportunity to interview him and talk about his column, the current situation in Germany and the future which realistically speaking is as dark and blurry as they can be. Here’s what we can learn from him. Enjoy the interview and feel free to comment…


  • Tell us about yourself, also in terms of career.
  • What led to the creation of the German Review?
  •  Apart from the current affairs, what other subjects should the readers expect from the German Review?
  • How would you view the current state of affairs in Germany from your perspective? And also from the population in general?
  • Then we have the problem with the far-right Alternatives, AfD. Tell us more about what they are doing to complicate matters.
  • A recent survey among 18-25 year olds finds the AfD as the most popular political party. There have been even some events where Nazi slogans and songs played by the youth have become a “cult.” What does the population see in the AfD that is so great?
  • You wrote in your recent article that a government under the AfD would mirror the government in the Netherlands under Geert Wilders. Why is that?
  • What about the other parties? How would you rate their performance and what is yet to come? This includes the newly established BSW party and the Left.
  • If you were to compare Germany under the current government coalition to the country at the time of Chancellor Angela Merkel, which one is better and why?
  • The Europe Elections are on June 9th with the upcoming elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg set to follow in September. In your opinion, which parties will dominate the elections and why?
  • If you were approached by someone who is looking for advice on how to vote, what would you give that person?
  • What are your future project plans for the German Review?

While I will feature a couple examples of the works produced by the German Review in my next posts, you can visit the website and read up on the stories involving the current events affecting Germany and its relations with the rest of Europe and beyond. Click here to access the website:


You can also find the German Review on its social media pages, including substack, X and facebook.


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