Lost Potential by Ana Beatriz Ribeiro

My values have changed

but I still find myself here

comparing myself to others,

scrolling mindlessly,


ruminating and wasting

energy thinking of lives

seen only through a half-

cracked window and they


tell us it all looks better

from the outside but then

they turn around and put

on a new mask every time.


What if I got rid of this screen?

If I embraced the comfort of

feeling the pavement against

my feet and of hearing


the humming of engines and

the birds and the breeze?

Could I also go on oblivious

to the latest status update


engineered to record our every

move in exchange for a hit

of dopamine never enough

to validate the self we’ve


sacrificed to the tech gods,

to the sparkly idols on stage,

to the idea we’re never enough

without an ideal we can’t attain?


They tell us to follow our

passion and not to make

ourselves small especially

when we’ve been oppressed,


to grab the opportunities

made finally available to us

by trailblazers who cared

but the goalpost keeps being


moved further away and

this hard drive we call our

planet is running out of

space and overheating when


we all accumulate and

the disrupters are only held up

as such when they uphold

the system behind the frame.


What if I finally unplugged?

Would I spend the rest of

my days floundering in

a dark night of the soul?


Forever reaching for my phone

while my lost potential’s mourned:

I could have been so much

if only I had conformed.