Some of My Favorite Things to do; Germany… What are YOURS?


There are many articles in German Girl in America that one should check out, some of which will be profiled later on here in the Files. Yet there are two more I would like to feature here and this time, it has to do with German culture and travel.

The first one has to do with what to see in Germany. Each of us has our own interests when visiting the Bundesrepublik; Karen from German Girl in America has a set of her own as you can see in the article below:

Source: Some of My Favorite Things to do; Germany… What are YOURS?


The question is what about you? When you visit Germany, what do you like to do there, let alone visit? Feel free to comment in the section below. 🙂 Don’t forget to check out my interview with Ms. Lodder which you can access here:


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