Easy German Cookbook by Karen Lodder

Source: German Girl in America/ Amazon

Before moving on with the next series, I would like to introduce you to this cookbook that was written by the German Girl in America, Karen Lodder. When we think of German food, we think of cuisines that are typical of the region, be it in the Far North, Bavaria, Schwabia or the Ore Mountains. It could be a recipe passed down by the older generations or something you find at a festival in Germany but it’s rare to find in the US. Almost all of the recipes that are in this book I’ve tried in Germany, and they are all delicious! 🙂 Yet how to make them is the question.

Karen Lodder compiled 80 recipes of typical German dishes, bars and the like and made them into easy recipes which you can try at home. Some of the recipes are regional, some traditional of the German dishes, yet there are some that were passed down by her family, some of which came from the former state of Schlesia (which is now Poland). In either case, with this cookbook, you can bring home the German kitchen and give your guests a little bit of Germany on the dinner table. A perfect gift for someone who is interested in cooking/ baking, German culture, or the like. 🙂

More information about the cookbook can be found here, together with a link where you can order the book:

Link: https://germangirlinamerica.com/easy-german-cookbook-80-classic-recipes-made-simple/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/Easy-German-Cookbook-Classic-Recipes/dp/1638070059

Some explanations about the cookbook can also be found in the interview, which you can click on below:

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