Photo Flick Nr 52


Closing off the summer season, I would like to share a picture I made of a mother and child, walking along the shores of the North Sea, as the water levels rise to high tide (Flut). It was an amazing silouette as the afternoon sun was shining on the water, presenting its reflective, blue color. Apparently they were having a wonderful time, dabbing their feet in the water and seeing some of nature’s finest creations. The shot was one in a million, but it was one of many I took along the North Sea, which presented its truest of colors, even when we had Schietwetter at times- rain and wind. ❤

Now we enter fall and it’s one season that is the favorite of most people I know in my family and circle of friends. Yet it’s one season that has two faces along the sea coasts of the Baltic and North. The question is which season is your favorite if you are living up north?


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